  • 02 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute zum Lesen
  • Dunkel
  • pdf


  • Dunkel
  • pdf

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Cobrowse can stream canvas elements on the client page. These are a video stream sent to the agent and so they have higher bandwidth requirements than a standard Cobrowse session. It first must be enabled in the Cobrowse configuration settings, the "Canvas Streaming" setting must be enabled.

Each canvas element which is intended to be shared with the agent must be marked with a class .cb-stream.


    <canvas class="cb-stream" id="exampleOutput"></canvas>

Network Settings

Cobrowse leverages WebRTC to implement canvas streaming. Therefore, it may attempt to use udp/tcp ports 40000-42000. WebRTC will also leverage ScreenMeet TURN and STUN servers to facilitate connections between client and agents. It is important to keep this in mind for agents or users who are behind firewalls and vpns as it may require changing network settings to allow these connections.

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