Creating a Custom UI
  • 24 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro
  • PDF

Creating a Custom UI

  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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If you would like to develop your own UI elements to start a session the following JavaScript methods are provided.

Open Modal


will open the provided ScreenMeet session start modal. The ScreenMeet provided modal is not injected into the page until this method is called at least once.

Start Session


which given a 6 digit string of numbers will begin a cobrowsing session. This is intended to be used by an alternate UI element. This method returns a promise with a boolean, indicating if the session has started. It will immediately begin a cobrowse session on the client side. 

Prompt Session


which given a 6 digit string of numbers will offer to begin a cobrowsing session. It will open a modal prompting the user to accept a session. The user may accept or decline. 

End Session


will end any current cobrowse session.

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