  • 25 Jun 2020
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro
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  • Oscuro
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This will enable the hotkey of shift + space to open the model and shift + escape to end the session by default. To disable hotkeys set the property "useHotkeys" to false.

<script type="text/javascript" >
window.Cobrowse = window.Cobrowse || {};
window.Cobrowse.modal = window.Cobrowse.modal || {
  useHotkeys: true

These hotkeys can be customized, the following example enables startSession to be triggered by shift + enter. Given a key press event all of the following conditions should match the specified properties.
window.Cobrowse = window.Cobrowse || {};
window.Cobrowse.modal = window.Cobrowse.modal || {
  useHotkeys: true,
  hotkeys: {
    startSession: {
      shiftKey: true,
      keyCode: 13
    endSession: {
      shiftKey: true,
      keyCode: 27,

This is the specification of the hotkey format (using TypeScript interface and type declarations):

interface Window {
  Cobrowse: {
    modal: {
      useHotkeys: boolean,
      hotkeys: {
          startSession: HotkeyConfig | HotkeyConfig[];
          endSession: HotkeyConfig | HotkeyConfig[];

type HotkeyConfig = {
    readonly altKey: boolean;
    readonly code: string;
    readonly ctrlKey: boolean;
    readonly isComposing: boolean;
    readonly key: string;
    readonly keyCode: number;
    readonly location: number;
    readonly metaKey: boolean;
    readonly repeat: boolean;
    readonly shiftKey: boolean;

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