- 24 May 2023
- 5 Minutos para leer
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- OscuroLigero
Cobrowse Settings
- Actualizado en 24 May 2023
- 5 Minutos para leer
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- OscuroLigero
Cobrowse Settings
These settings are available in the ScreenMeet console and apply to all Cobrowse sessions started by a specific organization.
Link Scrambling
A cobrowsing agent can view the shared website if a website contains URLS which either contain sensitive data that the agent should not be able to see. Enabling this option will mean that all link urls are replaced with random but unique urls which will obscure an sensitive data contained within the link url. If the link text contains sensitive information then PII masking should be used instead. See Configuring Information Security & PII
Laser Pointer
If enabled, this will allow an agent to begin using the laser pointer tool without requesting permission from the end-user cobrowsing a page.
If enabled, this will allow an agent to begin using the highlighter tool without requesting permission from the end-user cobrowsing a page.
Confidential Overlay Enable
Enabled by default, when sensitive page elements are marked as masked from the agent, cobrowse will create transparent overlays to indicate to the end-user cobrowsing the page which elements are private and not visible to to the agent.
Confidential Overlay Color
The transparent overlays have a light red color to indicate their privacy but if that conflicts with page styles and coloring then the color can be customized to better work with the page aesthetics.
File Transfer
Provide options enabling either bidirectional or unidirectional file transfer between agent and end users. Either both an agent and client can send each other files, or only the agent can send files or only the client can or neither. All files transferred are saved as part of the session record and are scanned for known viruses. An allowable filetype configuration is available as well.
Disable Scroll
Disables the unlock scroll feature for agents. Ensures that the agent only looks at the screen portion presented by the user.
Required to be enabled, if a website uses multiple domains or subdomains which are intended to work together and support a cobrowse session working consistently as a user navigates between them. It is not needed if a website is only expecting to cobrowse a single domain. Your organization admin can create and edit deployments keys (see CoBrowse Deployments).
Video Chat
If enabled, this will allow an agent to request a video/voice chat session.
Combined Session Url
A mandatory setting if video chat is enabled. It is used facilitate a consistent video connection while a user traverses through a cobrowsing website a specific url is needed to be setup on a customer domain. See Video Chat Integration
Remote Control
If enabled, this will allow an agent to request remote control to perform actions on a cobrowsing page on behalf
If enabled, it will present a button to the session agent to take a screenshot of their screen and upload it to be part of the case record. If disabled, the agent will not be able to take screenshots using the cobrowse tools.
Inactivity Timeout Duration
A session will timeout if no activity is present for X minutes.
Session ID Length
When creating a new cobrowse session, how long should the ID be. This is not client facing but will be visible to the agent and will be present in reports and logs about cobrowse sessions.
Session Pin Length
The pin is the code entered by the end-users attempting to share their screen with an agent. Cobrowse session pin length can be adjusted for ease of use (shorter pins) or security (longer pins).
Startup Config
This setting is currently only for specifying multiple Combined Session Urls for organizations with multiple deployment groups.
Single Tab Cobrowse
Cobrowse will track a session across multiple tabs. If a user is on a cobrowseable page and then open the new tab in the same deployment group (i.e the same website or an associated domain if multidomain is enabled), it will see the existing session and start cobrowsing the tab. The Agent will see the tab which the user is currently focused on. The user can freely switch between tabs and the cobrowse session will follow them. Single tab is more restricted for customers who are more security focused. If a session is started with this setting enabled then when a user opens a tab in the deployment group, it will not continue the cobrowse session on the new tab.
For developers: Cobrowse normally saves its session state in `window.localStorage` under keys prefixed with `SMCobrowse`. When Single Tab Cobrowse is enabled then it saves data with the same keys in `window.sessionStorage`.
URL Invites
This will enable a cobrowsing agent to generate a url to invite another person into viewing a cobrowse session. The agent will then be able to approve or deny requests of users who follow the link trying to join the session.
Session Recording
Set the default behavior of recording a session. Either an agent has the option to decide to record a session or every session is recorded or none are.
Server CSS Cacheing
CSS cacheing is an action that Cobrowse does to improve the fidelity of the cobrowse session. The cobrowse server reaches out to the customer website and grabs the css files referenced by the html. It does it once initially and then it saves the css result to speed up subsequent page loads. However, some customers might want to turn that off because their css files are unavailable to the public because the website is actually behind a vpn, in which case the Cobrowse server will delay page loads waiting for unavailable files. This option is provided to turn off this default behavior which will result in a faster page startup for private websites, but will incur a slowdown due to reprocessing CSS.
Use Proxy
If a website is entirely private or the agents or users are working behind a restrictive firewall policy then the dynamic domains and shifting ip addresses of the scaleable cobrowse server fleet can cause connection difficulties. If this setting is enabled then all cobrowse sessions will connect to a single domain,rt-proxy.screenmeet.comusing https and wss protocols which will route to an appropriately local proxy to a local cobrowse server. Enabling this will add latency to every cobrowse session, but will simplify the firewall rules.
Canvas Streaming
If a canvas element is an essential feature of a website and sharing that content with the agent is important to a Cobrowse session, then enabling this setting will allow specially marked canvas elements to be streamed to the agent.