Custom URL
- 25 Jan 2022
- 1 Minuto para leer
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- OscuroLigero
Custom URL
- Actualizado en 25 Jan 2022
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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Purpose: Change the live URL parameters to include user names as part of the url for starting a new session
After the session pin, append &name= and then the user’s name to the end of the URL. The Live call will receive the name from the URL, update the name input field in the lobby and then remove the name from the URL.
Here are some examples including first name, both names and using initials. (When using a space in the names, we require the space be replaced with ‘%20` to properly encode the URL.
Both names:
First name and Last initial:
First Name only:
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