Deploying Beam Across the Organization to Mac Devices
  • 04 Nov 2021
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Deploying Beam Across the Organization to Mac Devices

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Mac Beam Client 

Download the Mac Installer, ScreenMeetBeam.pkg.

Use can use an MDM system to deploy the ScreenMeetBeam.pkg and there are three main steps.

1. Upload ScreenMeetBeam.pkg to the MDM system.

2. Configure the pre-install script that will set all required ScreenMeet Beam client settings.

3. Configure the audit script which checks the conditions when the ScreenMeet Beam client should be installed.

Upload ScreenMeetBeam.pkg to the MDM system

Uploading the package to the mdm system is pretty straightforward operation and just requires the ScreenMeetBeam.pkg file

Configure the pre-install script

Here's an example shell script that configures Beam group key and other settings.

Please note, the scripts could be different for different MDM systems. Please use specific MDM system setup instructions for further information.



cat > "$PLISTFILE" <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Here's a list of the configuration options you can specify to configure different settings for the Beam client:

SCREENMEET_BEAM_CLIENT_GROUPKEY - device group key that associates the Mac with a specific Beam Group.

SCREENMEET_BEAM_CLIENT_HIDEUI - if enabled, starts Beam session without UI being displayed on client machine.

SCREENMEET_BEAM_CLIENT_PASSWORD - password for password authentication mode.

SCREENMEET_BEAM_CLIENT_AUTOUPDATE - enables automatic checks for updates and notifications.

SCREENMEET_BEAM_CLIENT_USER_CAN_CONTROL_AUTOUPDATE - if disabled, user can not control auto update settings from the Beam configuration UI.

SCREENMEET_BEAM_CLIENT_LABEL - adds label displayed in the Beam device table for the current device

SCREENMEET_BEAM_CLIENT_TAGS - adds comma-separated list of tags displayed in the Beam device table for the current device

Configure the audit script which checks the conditions when the ScreenMeet Beam client should be installed

The audit script checks whether ScreenMeetBeam is installed on the machine and pushes the install if it is NOT installed. It depends on the specific mdm systems and can be tweaked as needed.

Here's an example shell script that checks the conditions for automatically installing Beam client:

if [ -f "$PLISTFILE" ]; then
echo "ScreenMeetBeam is installed. Do nothing."
exit 0
echo "ScreenMeetBeam is not installed...forcing reinstall..."
exit 1

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