Deploying Beam Across the Organization to Windows Devices
  • 06 Feb 2023
  • 2 Minutos para leer
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Deploying Beam Across the Organization to Windows Devices

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Windows Beam Client

Download the Windows Installer, ScreenMeet.msi.

When deploying ScreenMeet.msi you can pass certain configuration options in a command line. The main variable required is the Beam Group Key. This key associates the devices with the correct Beam Group and determines that only the people you want to have access do have access.

Here's a list of the configuration options you can specify and an example command.

Command Line Reference

Common settings

APPLICATIONFOLDER - Path to the folder where the ScreenMeet application should be installed to. Default “[Path to ProgramFilesx86]\ScreenMeet”.

PROGRAMMENUSHORTCUT - Add shortcut to Program Menu. PROGRAMMENUSHORTCUT="1" adds shortcut. PROGRAMMENUSHORTCUT="" disables shortcut. Default value is “1“.

DESKTOPSHORTCUT - Add shortcut to Desktop. DESKTOPSHORTCUT="1" adds desktop shortcut. DESKTOPSHORTCUT="" disables desktop shortcut. Default value is “1”.

AUTOCHECKUPDATES - Automatically check for updates [“False“, “True“]. Default “True“.

AUTOUPGRADE - Automatically download and install client updates [“False“, “True“]. Default “True“. Can be set to “True“ only if AUTOCHECKUPDATES is also “True“.

ADDLOCAL - List of features to install separated by comma [“SupportFeature“, “SupportFeature,BeamFeature“]. Default “SupportFeature,BeamFeature“. SupportFeature allows the application to be used for attended remote support sessions. The end user can open the application and enter the pin created by the agent. 

ORGRESTRICT - Restrict usage for specific organizations listed in ORGRESTRICTLIST. [“False“, “True”]. Default “False”.

ORGRESTRICTLIST - List of comma-separated organizations ids [e.g., “82,154“] allowed to use the client. ScreenMeet Organization ids can be obtained from under Organization

Beam settings

BEAMGROUPKEY - Beam Group Key [string]. Default empty string.

BEAMAUTHTYPE - Authentication Type [“noauth”, “native”, “password”]. Default “noauth“. noauth means no authentication required, native means authentication is done by entering valid Windows credentials and password is a variable that you set during the installation. 

BEAMPASSWORD - Password in case of “password“ authentication typev[string]. Default empty string.

BEAMHIDEUI - Enable/disable “hide UI“ feature [“0“, “1“]. Default “0“. The default value of 0 will enable the ScreenMeet UI when the device is in an active Beam connection. The value "1" will hide the ScreenMeet UI.

BEAMFILTERLABEL - To add a label during installation use: BEAMFILTERLABEL="someLabel"

BEAMFILTERTAGS -Tags are comma-separated list. To add tags during installation use: BEAMFILTERTAGS="tag1,tag2"

BEAMENABLELOG - Enable/disable file log [“1“, “0“]. Default “0“. Use “1“ to enable file log

BEAMUPLOADLOG - Enable/disable uploading logs to ScreenMeet servers for technical support troubleshooting. [“1“, “0“]. Default “0“. Use “1“ to enable uploading log.

Example Command

msiexec /i ScreenMeet.msi /quiet APPLICATIONFOLDER="C:\Program Files (x86)\ScreenMeetApp" ADDLOCAL=”SupportFeature,BeamFeature” DESKTOPSHORTCUT=”1” BEAMGROUPKEY="VpgxYOSNfZbqmXsrSdDBIcEeTMacfrhByTCCNVDl" BEAMAUTHTYPE="password" BEAMPASSWORD="Password123"

This example will do a silent install of the ScreenMeet application to the folderC:\Program Files (x86)\ScreenMeetApp, enable the Remote Support and Beam features, create a desktop shortcut, add the device to the Beam Group with the specified key and add a password requirement of Password123 when connecting to the device.

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