Apex API to Start Replay
- 28 Jun 2021
- 1 Minuto para leer
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- OscuroLigero
Apex API to Start Replay
- Actualizado en 28 Jun 2021
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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You can use the example code below to create a Replay session using Apex API's from a Case object record. You can call this in a Flow for any event
//create the newSessionParams
screenmeet.ScreenMeetAPI.ScreenMeetSessionParams newSessionParams = new screenmeet.ScreenMeetAPI.ScreenMeetSessionParams(
'replay', //session type
'5001R00000xgLmIQAU', //parentObjectId
'case', //owner object type
UserInfo.getUserId(), //Logged in user ID
'My Support Session', //session description
UserInfo.getName() //name of currently logged in USER
//make the REST API call to create the session
For a full list of available ScreenMeet Apex API's, visit the Apex API Reference page.
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