Overview and Roles
  • 13 Nov 2020
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro
  • PDF

Overview and Roles

  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo

ScreenMeet requires setting up several roles to function properly and securely for your Salesforce Organization.

Roles Overview

Service AccountAllows server-to-server communication between your organization and ScreenMeet servers for creating sessions and writing session data to your instance. It is a best practice to restrict access to objects which are not part of your ScreenMeet solution to reduce security risk.
ScreenMeet AdminThis is a ScreenMeet "super user". ScreenMeet admins can change global ScreenMeet settings, product features and policies, can access data from all sessions, and have the ability to "barge in" to sessions created by other users. This permission permission should be assigned sparingly to a privileged few.
SupervisorA supervisor has less privileges than an Admin. A supervisor can barge into other agent's sessions, but cannot make configuration and policy changes to your ScreenMeet account.
AgentA ScreenMeet agent is a regular user. They can create sessions and use the product.

Start by configuring the ScreenMeet Agent. We recommend using Permission Sets to manage who has access to ScreenMeet rather than making these changes directly on profiles, as it will allow you to grant ScreenMeet access to a variety users who use multiple profiles across your organization.

Start your process by creating a permission set called ScreenMeet Agent.

Next: Configure Connected App

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