Custom Domain
  • 18 Jun 2021
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro
  • PDF

Custom Domain

  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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ScreenMeet Live Domain Customization Options

This is an additional ScreenMeet service, please contact us at for pricing and to setup your custom domain.

There are a 2 options available in order to setup a custom domain:

1) Using a URL with a custom subdomain and top-level-domain.

With this approach, we could use URL's such as <custom> - eg,

This option is the easiest and would require no additional effort from you.

2) Using a fully custom URL

With this approach, we could use any URL. eg: or similar.

There are a few possible technical implementation paths here:

  1. Your organization could set up a proxy at a URL of their choice and use as the origin. Proxy should be configured to forward querystrings / headers / etc.
  2. Your organization could set up DNS CNAME entries to point at a CDN end-point provided by screenmeet. In this case, we would also have to set up an SSL certificate, for which we also have several options:
    • ScreenMeet could use AWS ACM to provision the SSL certificate for the desired hostname (eg, In this case, there would be a total of 2 CNAME entries required, one for the actual hostname, and another for SSL certificate validation, which would look something like this: With this approach, ScreenMeet could manage renewals of this certificate automatically as it expires annually / bi-annually. If someone were to click the certificate info in their browser it would show that the certificate is issued by Amazon.
    • Your organization could provide an SSL certificate they provision themselves to ScreenMeet, which we could import into our CDN. This would require bi-annual maintenance/updates as all SSL certificates have a maximum lifetime of 2 years.

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