ScreenMeet Live Tools
- 31 Mar 2021
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
ScreenMeet Live Tools
- Actualizado en 31 Mar 2021
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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Audio : Can mute audio on the mic icon towards the bottom.
Video : Can enable/disable video on the video icon towards the bottom.
Within the browser search field, there will also be the option to disable audio and video by selecting the appropriate icon.
Invite : Will copy session URL into clipboard to share out Invite to additional participants
Participants : The participants icon will show you who is on on the call. The host also has the ability to remove participants from the call.
Hang Up : User can exit out of the session
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