SSL certificates for installed applications
  • 14 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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SSL certificates for installed applications

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Resumen del artículo

SSL information for installed applications 

ScreenMeet undergoes SSL updates every year as part of our routine maintenance.

For installed applications, it is important to update devices to a version that contains our newest SSL certificate prior to the current SSL expiring to prevent end user impact.

Current certificate
  • Expires on: June 24th, 2023
Upcoming SSL certificate
  • Expires on: March 29, 2024 
  • Required versions
    • Windows/Mac (MSI, PKG, and Beam): Version 2.83.1 or above


Remote Support

For the remote support application, the end user will see the following error messages if the SSL has expired as a result of using an older build.

Beam/Unattended application

Beam: important note
  • This notification above will not appear within Beam sessions because it is not an expected workflow or use case for a user to be at the machine to acknowledge/accept the prompt above. 
  • This will cause the application to not be able to establish the session
  • Due to the above, it is critical that the Beam application is upgraded prior to SSL expiration to maintain expected behavior.

The Beam application will no longer work as expected if it is not updated to the version that contains the latest SSL on/after the expiration date listed above.


To resolve the insecure warning message/inability to connect, please update your Windows MSI, macOS PKG, or Beam package on machines where it is installed to the latest version which is available in the product documentation. 

Typically, the update is done by an enterprise customers infrastructure/IT team.

The team may have tools that allows them to mass-update all impacted devices by running a script or deploying a MSI file.

Our documentation below outlines the process of updating/installing persistent applications.

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