Starting a Session
  • 01 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro
  • PDF

Starting a Session

  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo

The instructions below will guide you on how to start a Live call within the ScreenMeet Console.

  1. Navigate to and login with your username. Your login method(Salesforce, ServiceNow, etc) will vary based upon how your organization has been setup.
  2. Upon landing on the home page, the session creation screen will be visible. Click on the "Live Call" button if you have multiple ScreenMeet products enabled within your organization. 
  3. Enable any pre-session settings that are required such as knocking, recording, etc prior to creating the session.
  4. Enter a description of the Live Call if relevant or needed to more easily reference the session in the future.
  5. Click on the green "Start Session" button.
  6. Once the session has been started, click on the "Start Live Call" button to join the Live call.
  7. To provide the link to your designated third party Live call participants, click on the "Live URL" button. This will copy the call's link to your clipboard that can be provided to participants. 

Starting sessions within your CRM

Salesforce: Starting a Session 

ServiceNow: Starting a Session 

Zendesk: Starting a Session 

Dynamics: Starting a Session

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