Apex API Overview
  • 13 Jan 2022
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Apex API Overview

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Article Summary

ScreenMeet adds several Objects to your Salesforce organization as part of our managed package. The primary object that we will focus on ScreenMeet Live Session. This object contains metadata along with the state of the sessions which your users are creating and conducting.

ScreenMeet also bundles a global Apex class in the managed package, called screenmeet.ScreenMeetAPI. This class provides several Apex methods which can be used to create, schedule, reschedule, or close sessions for all session types such as Live, Support, Cobrowse, and Replay.

Whenever a session is created or its state changes in ScreenMeet, we utilize the Salesforce REST API to your Salesforce instance to update the ScreenMeet Live Session object to reflect the current state of the session.

Avoid making direct changes to ScreenMeet Live Session
NOTE: It is important to note that the ScreenMeet Live Session object is NOT THE SOURCE OF TRUTH for the actual state of the sessions. It should be treated as an eventually-consistent mirror of the actual session state information, which is updated via the SFDC REST API automatically. Avoid making changes directly to the ScreenMeet Live Session.

We recommend using mechanisms such as Triggers or Flow Processes if you wish to execute code or behaviors which are based on session state changes.

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