Permissions Overview and Roles
  • 24 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Permissions Overview and Roles

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Résumé de l’article

ScreenMeet comes with several pre-defined roles and permission sets:

Roles Overview

Service AccountAllows server-to-server communication between your organization and ScreenMeet servers for creating sessions and writing session data to your instance. It is best to restrict access to objects that are not part of your ScreenMeet solution to reduce security risks.
ScreenMeet AdminThis is a ScreenMeet "super user". ScreenMeet admins can change global ScreenMeet settings, product features, and policies, can access data from all sessions, and have the ability to "barge in" on sessions created by other users. This permission should be assigned sparingly to a privileged few.
SupervisorA supervisor has fewer privileges than an Admin. A supervisor can barge into other agent's sessions but cannot make configuration and policy changes to your ScreenMeet account.
AgentA ScreenMeet agent is a regular user. Agents can create sessions and use the standard features of the product.

Depending on your use case, we recommend using these permission sets directly or adding them into a Permission Set Group. 

We do not recommend cloning permission sets. Please note that any cloned permission sets will not receive software updates containing new or enhanced functionality to roles and permissions.

Custom Roles

In the latest version of ScreenMeet, administrators can create custom permission sets and groups for their agents based on what features they need. 

This feature can be helpful in situations where agents may need reduced or added functionality/features or access to certain products based on their use case.

For example, a tier one agent may be able to use the Live product(screenmeet.Enable Live), speak with the customer/end user( Enable Audio for the session), and allow the guest to share their screen( Guest Screenshare

To allow agents to have specific access based on their needs, you can add custom permissions as part of their profile or a permission set.

Once you have navigated to the profile in question or the permission set, navigate to "custom permissions" -> click "edit" -> add the relevant custom permissions to their profile.

You can enable specific products(example: screenMeet.Enable Live) or specific behavior within each product (example: screenmeet.feature: File Transfer)

Next: Service Account Setup

IP Ranges

If you enforce IP range restrictions, please navigate to the IP Ranges section.

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