Data Export
  • 07 Feb 2022
  • 2 読む分
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Data Export

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Data Export Overview

The data export functionality allows you to retrieve your session data in an excel/CSV format.

Information included in the data export includes: 

Session Logs 

The session log includes one entry per session. The session logs include the following data.

  • Agent email 
  • Session date - listed in year-month-date format.
  • Session ID - unique identifier assigned to the session.
  • Status- status of the session. 
    • Statuses: open, closed, scheduled.
  • Type - which type of session was held
    • Types of sessions - Live, CoBrowse, Remote Support, Replay
  • Duration - the amount of time from session creation to session closure.
  • Connected Duration - the amount of time from when an end user joins the session until session closure. 
  • OS Name - operating system name of the end users device if applicable (remote support session types)
  • OS Version - operating system version of the end users device if applicable (remote support session types)
  • Label - correlates with the CRM case name/number where the ScreenMeet session was launched or the description entered if the session is created on

User/Agent Export

The user/agent export logs lists all agents(active and inactive) in the ScreenMeet console that have not been deleted.

  • Agent's email address
  • Agent's name
  • Agent ID (assigned to user automatically)
  • External ID (assigned to user automatically) 
  • Active Status 
    • If this value is equal to 1, the user is active. If the value is blank/null, the user is inactive
  • Last Active Date - When the user last logged into the console/authenticated into the CRM widget/started a session
  • Updated At Date - When the user and their information was last updated.

Support Session Logs Export

The support session log includes one line/entry for each action taken during the session. 

  • Support Session ID - the unique identifier of the session that is assigned
  • Time stamp of the entry
  • Type of entry 
    • The type of entry varies based on which product you are using and what is happening in the session.
    • Some examples will be chat logs, when an agent or user joins, when UAC permission is granted, when cameras or audio is enabled, when a server region is selected.
  • Message - gives the information relating to the entry type. For example, in a chat entry, it will show the "type" as chat and the message as the Agent/User's name and what they typed in the chat
  • Extra Data - gives any extra information relating to the support log entry. 

Data Export Instructions

  • Login to a ScreenMeet administrator profile
  • Navigate to the Data Exports section. 
  • Click "Create New Data Export".
  • Select which portions of data you would like to export and the email address that the logs should go to.
  • A data export will be queued. When the export has completed, it will email the user with the download link. 
  • When the link is clicked in the email/if the export has completed, the administrator will see a download link that is active for three days. 


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