Mobile SDK Release Notes
  • 21 Dec 2023
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Mobile SDK Release Notes

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Article summary

Current Release

Android:  3.0.10

  • Added support for "request screenshare" feature.

  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2023-12-18

iOS: 3.0.9

  • Added support for session events.

  • Added support for "request screenshare" feature.

  • Fixed an issue related to participant events received out of order.

  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

  • Release date: 2023-11-20

Upgrade Instructions


  1. Update the build.gradle file with the newer SDK version number


  1. Update to the latest version in the podfile and run pod update

Past Releases

Android:  3.0.9

  • Added support for session events.

  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2023-10-18

iOS: 3.0.8

  • Fixed issue causing crash when agent cancels permission request from the web viewer.

  • Added support for Remote Control of a tab bar with UITabBarSwappableImageView.

  • Release date: 2023-07-27

Android:  3.0.7

  • Fixed issue related to remote control in Android 12+.

  • Support for multi-language input in and EditText field.

  • Laser pointer no longer requires granting system overlay permissions.

  • Remote control no longer requires granting system permissions.

  • Improve stability of SDK related to network reconnection scenarios.

  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2023-07-21

iOS: 3.0.7

  • Fixed issue where the organizationKey property was removed.

  • Added remote control functionality for collection views.

  • Minor bugfixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2023-07-19

Android:  3.0.6

  • Update WebRTC library dependency

  • Fix crash related to quickly stopping/restarting the video stream

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Release date: 2023-04-28

iOS: 3.0.6

iOS: 3.0.5

  • Fix bug related to remote participant audio track not playing properly.

  • Fix crash that may occur in certain conditions when trying to play track before session is connected.

  • Release date: 2023-03-17

Android:  3.0.5

  • Updated okhttp dependency to latest stable version.

  • Added API to specify local participant name during connection.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2023-03-17

iOS: 3.0.3

  • Reduce iOS target platform from 15.0 to 13.0 with updated framework.

  • Release date: 2023-02-02

Android:  3.0.0

  • Added support for multiple video streams from a single participant.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2022-12-06

iOS: 3.0.1

  • Update the SocketIO dependency to 15.2.0.

  • Release date: 2023-01-24

iOS: 3.0.0

  • Added support for multiple video streams from a single participant.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2023-01-20

iOS: 2.1.1

  • Fix bug related to Xcode 14.

  • Fix an issue causing the screen share to freeze under certain conditions.

  • Release date: 2022-09-30

Android:  2.1.0

  • Updated laser pointer and remote control entitlements to new schema.

  • Fixed an issue with proguard.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2022-09-12

iOS: 2.1.0

  • Updated laser pointer and remote control entitlements to new schema.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2022-09-30

iOS: 2.0.12

  • Improve reconnection reliability.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2022-06-07

Android:  2.0.12

  • Improve reconnection reliability.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2022-06-06

iOS: 2.0.11

  • Improvements to the remote control feature.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Internal fixes to support the upcoming ScreenMeet Mobile SDK for Flutter

  • Release date: 2022-05-18

Android:  2.0.11

  • Improvements to the remote control feature.

  • Several bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Internal fixes to support the upcoming ScreenMeet Mobile SDK for Flutter

  • Release date: 2022-05-19

Android:  2.0.9

  • Improvements to the remote control feature.

  • Several bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2022-01-26

iOS: 2.0.9

  • Improvements to the remote control feature.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Flutter Support – mobile applications developed with Flutter can now use the Mobile SDK to add ScreenMeet Support features.

  • Release date: 2022-01-26

iOS: 2.0.8

  • Added remote control functionality.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2021-12-03

Android:  2.0.8

  • Added remote control functionality.

  • Several bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2021-12-02

iOS: 2.0.6

  • Added support for laser pointer feature.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2021-09-01

Android:  2.0.7

  • Fixed an issue that was causing problems connecting.

  • Release date: 2021-10-22

Android:  2.0.6

  • Added support for laser pointer feature.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2021-08-26

iOS: 2.0.5

  • Fix for callback not being called on session end. 

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Known Issue:  Discovered issue building for simulator.  Fix will be included 2.0.6.

  • Release date: 2021-07-22

Android:  2.0.5

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Release date: 2021-07-22

iOS: 2.0.2

  • Added support for short session pins (captcha may be required)

  • Release date: 2021-05-03

Android:  2.0.0

  • Completely re-written SDK now supports audio/video chat in addition to AppStreaming

  • Note: Laser pointer support to be added in May release

  • Release date: 2021-04-08

iOS: 2.0.1

  • Fixed crash that would happen if permissions were rejected

  • Note: Laser pointer support to be added in May release

  • Release date: 2021-04-16

iOS: 2.0.0

  • Completely re-written SDK now supports audio/video chat in addition to AppStreaming

  • Note: Laser pointer support to be added in May release

  • Release date: 2021-04-08

iOS: 1.1.1

  • Fixed a bug where the laser pointer wasn't working properly with flutter views

  • Release date: 2021-02-26

Android:  1.2.2

  • Fixed a bug where the stream would flicker that was occurring in flutter views

  • Fixed a bug where the laser pointer offset was incorrect

  • Release date: 2021-02-14

Android:  1.2.1

  • Removed a unnecessary feature requirement to support Amazon devices

  • Release date: 2021-01-31

Android:  1.2.0

  • Added support for flutter/react-native views in the AppStream

  • Release date: 2021-01-15

Android:  1.1.0

  • Added support for private fields during AppStreaming

  • Release date: 2020-12-15

iOS: 1.1.0

  • Added support for private fields during AppStreaming

  • Fixed issue with laser pointer behavior during screen transitions

  • Release date: 2020-12-15

Android: 1.0.1

  • Fixed an issue with fingerprint match for the SSL certificate

  • Release date: 2020-11-26

iOS: 1.0.0

  • Initial SDK release with AppStream and Laser Pointer support

  • Release date:  2020-10-02

Android: 1.0.0

  • Initial SDK release with AppStream and Laser Pointer support

  • Release date:  2020-10-02

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