ScreenMeet Live Session Object
- 01 Feb 2022
- 2 Minutos para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
ScreenMeet Live Session Object
- Actualizado en 01 Feb 2022
- 2 Minutos para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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Field Descriptions
Field Label | Type | Description |
Session Id screenmeet__Session_Id__c | Text(16) (Unique) | This is the external-id unique identifier of the ScreenMeet Session in the ScreenMeet system. This identifier is required when performing any kind of update or close operations on existing ScreenMeet Sessions. |
Created By CreatedById | Lookup(User) | (Standard Field) User lookup of the Salesforce user who created this session. This field will be set to the Service Account by default unless the Edit Audit Fields system permission for the Service Account have been enabled. |
Duration Seconds screenmeet__duration_seconds__c | Number(10, 0) | The number of seconds for which the session was in an active state. |
Last Modified By LastModifiedById | Lookup(User) | (Standard Field) The user who last modified this object. |
Live Session Name | Text(80) | (Standard Field) The Salesforce name/label for this session. |
Owner OwnerId | Lookup(User,Group) | (Standard Field) The user who owns this session. This field is set to the user who created the session. |
parentObjectId screenmeet__parentObjectId__c | Text(18) | The Salesforce Object ID of the object from which this session was created. If it is created from the Application Tab directly, this will be set to the User Id of the user who created the session. If the session is made with the ScreenMeet Live Widget from another object, then this value will be the ID of that object, e.g., 08p2F000000ODFEQA4 |
parentObjectType screenmeet__parentObjectType__c | Text(64) | The parent object type, in lower case, where the parent object is the object into which the widget is embedded, e.g., case, opportunity, user, serviceappointment. |
PIN screenmeet__pin__c | Number(10, 0) | The session PIN. Primarily used with Support and Cobrowse sessions by the user to confirm session entry. These identifiers are temporary and are only active while the session is in a new or active state. |
Record Type RecordTypeId | Record Type | (Standard Field) The record type of this row. |
Recording URL screenmeet__recording_url__c | URL(255) | A URL where a user can download the recording of this session. Optional. |
Session Type screenmeet__session_type__c | Picklist | The type of the session. Current enum values are live, support, cobrowse, and replay |
Start Time screenmeet__Start_Time__c | Date/Time | The timestamp of when the session is scheduled to start (only applies to scheduled sessions). |
Stats_JSON screenmeet__Stats__c | Long Text Area(65536) | This field will contain a JSON blob of various statistics and metrics related to the session and is not generally shown to users. |
Status screenmeet__Status__c | Text(16) | The status of the session. Current possible values are: scheduled, new, active, and closed. |
Termination Reason screenmeet__termination_reason__c | Text(64) | A brief description of why the session was closed, e.g., agent closed session. |
Time Ended screenmeet__time_ended__c | Date/Time | The time when the the session ended. |
User URL screenmeet__user_url__c | URL(255) | The URL to send to the end-user for them to join the session. |
Host URL screenmeet__host_url__c | URL(255) | The URL to send to the session host (e.g., the creating agent). This URL contains a unique token that will authenticate the user as the Host of the session. Currently, this is only valid for live session types. |
Host URL
NOTE: We only recommend using the Host URL in communication channels such as email or SMS (text) as a security best practice. ScreenMeet does not recommend granting read access to this field for regular users.
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